Have a great day out on the Friday of Lanimer week with FunBox


Don’t miss Gary, Kevin and local girl Anya as they bring their brand new show; ‘Animal Magic’ to Lanark on Friday 10th of June. We’ll be performing at Greyfriars Church at 10.30am as part of the Lanimer celebrations in a show packed with songs and silliness. Tickets are available from Fringes on the High Street, Greyfriars Church Hall or through eventbrite.co.uk. Details here:


Remember to come dressed as your favourite animal or bird.

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Lanark Lanimer Committee – Registered Charity No SC046546

The office bearers are pleased to announce, on behalf of all its members, that Lanark Lanimer Committee is now on the Scottish Charity Register.

Our registered objective is to promote the advancement of the arts, heritage, culture and community development by organising Lanimer Week and managing its events.

This objective is set within The Constitution of Lanark Lanimer Committee.

Death of Ex-Lord Cornet Ian Gray


Sad news today about the passing of Ex-Lord Cornet Ian Gray.

Ian was Lord Cornet in 1993, and was a stalwart of the Lanimer Committee.

He was instrumental in the set-up and running of the Silver Club, and was heavily involved with the Sports and Entertainments sub committees.

His brother Leonard, was Lord Cornet in 1987, and his nephew, Gordon is our current Lord Cornet.

He was found at home this morning, after neighbours raised concerns about him.

Our thoughts and prayers to his family and friends at this sad time.

Sashing Lady Announced

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The Lanimer Committee is delighted to announce that Grace Abernethy has been selected as the Sashing Lady for this years Lanimer Celebrations. Grace will present Lord Cornet elect Gordon Jess with his sash on Monday 6th June 2016.

Grace moved to Lanark from Hamilton in 1959 when she met her husband Sandy. Grace now lives in Lithgow Way in Lanark after 30 years in Crossford where she was instrumental in setting up the local playgroup. Grace also played a large part visiting patients in St Marys Hopsital and worked in the shop there and still visits many people to this day. Grace is very involved in St Marys Church and is a lay reader and extraordinary minister of communion, as well as being seen behind the bar at many functions.

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Grace also volunteers with the WRVS and in the St Andrew’s Hospice Shop, as well as volunteering as a classroom assistant in Kirkfieldbank Primary where she is known as ‘Mrs Grace’!
As a family, they have a long Lanimer history with members of the family being involved in the court and cousin John Armstrong being an ex Lord Cornet.

Congratulations Grace we hope you enjoy your year.

(Images courtesy of John Prior)

Decorated Shop Competition

It has been agreed by the Lanimer Committee this evening that Lord Cornect Elect Gordon Jess has chosen for the theme for the decorated shop competition.

Gordon says that as the most important thing happening in the world after Lanimers this year are the Rio Olympics the theme will be … The Olympics.

The committee would love if every shop in Lanark felt able to participate and decorate their windows to add to the colour and spectacle of the Lanimer Celebrations.

More details available from Secretary Molly Cumming or PM us here at Lanimer HQ.