Should you have any queries on the above or on any of the documentation issued from the schools, please email;
**Applicants for the Lanimer Queens role MUST live within a boundary from 3 miles of the front door of St Nicholas Parish Church, an approximate illustration of this boundary can be viewed HERE.
ALL addresses for applications for the 2019 Lanimer Queen role will be checked against this boundary.
In advance of next Friday’s Illuminated Lanimer Winter Parade, the Lanimer Committee are delighted to announce that the 2018 Edition of the ‘Lanimer Review’ Brochure is now on sale at various outlets around the town.
Launched last year, the Review has been created to give information on the Winter Parade, whilst taking a look back on Lanimer events throughout the past year.
It also provides a collectible photographic record of all the prize winners from the various Lanimer events over the last year – with pages full of photos of Lanimer Lorries from this year’s procession.
The Lanimer Committee would like to thank all those who have contributed photos to this publication and to local businesses who have supported us through advertising.
The Review is on sale, priced just £3 at the following outlets; Feenans, WH Smiths, Morrisons, Brooks, Lesley Strachan Flowers and The Tollbooth.
The review brochure will also be on sale during tomorrows Christmas Market from by our good friends the Lanark Panto Club, who will be promoting this year’s show Aladdin.
The Lanimer Committee thanks all our sellers for their ongoing support!
Come along and join us for our annual Illuminated Lanimer Winter Parade on the 23rd November 2018.
Now in its fourth year, the Lanimer Committee are again proud to support the ‘Winterfest’ programme of events by organising the parade as part of the entertainment for the ‘Late Night Lanark’ Christmas shopping evening.
Starting from Bannantyne Street at 6.45pm, this years parade promises to be bigger and better than ever!
Heading up our Parade will be our Lanimer Queen Anna Martin, accompanied by her Chief Maids. They will be accompanied by an amazing display from ‘Frodo the Fire Eater’ – who will provide a bit of warmth on a November evening!
We are delighted that a good number of our Lanimer entrants will once again parade down Lanark High Street, this time illuminated as you have never seen them before!
A number of our entries have also carefully preserved their Lanimer Lorries – which will take to the streets adorned with lights.
Santa will make an appearance too, before jetting back to the north pole to finish his preparations for Christmas.
Please come along see our spectacular parade and get some early Christmas shopping from our wonderful local shops too!
Please keep a look out on this page for further information on this event.
The Lanimer Committee are pleased to announce that this years video recording of our celebrations will not only be available on DVD – but available FREE to view on our Youtube Channel.
A double DVD containing footage of both Lanimer Day and Marches evening is available online, priced at £10, from the following link:Lanimer DVD 2018
On the same day, 73 runners participated in the 5K Race, with Robbie Barr and Jessica Robson being presented with the Strachan Salvers for winning the Male and Female Races with times of 18:12 and 21:24 respectively.
1. Robbie Barr (18:12)
2. James Gillan (18:58)
3. Jonathan Kennedy (19:06)
The Lanimer Committee are pleased to advise that a recording of this years Lanimer Queens Reception, from the 8th June 2018 is now available to view on Youtube – via the link below.
We hope you enjoy this video of what was a very special night, with some excellent performances from participants in our 2018 Lanimer Procession.
Lanark Lanimer Committee and its Chairman, Ex-Lord Cornet John Dickman, thank everyone involved in helping to maintain the traditions of Lanimer Week. We congratulate Lord Cornet Gary Winnng, Lanimer Queen Anna Martin, Crowning Lady Miss Lea Barrie and Sashing Lady Mrs Margo Murdoch for the dignity, composure and enthusiasm with which they carried out their duties, bathed in sunshine throughout the week.
Lord Lieutenant Lady Susan Haughey joined us on Lanimer Day and we welcomed Depute Lieutenant Millar Stoddart for the Kirkin’ of the Lord Cornet-elect and the Marches and Shifting of the Standard ceremony, which introduced our new Burgh Standard.
The Lord Cornets’ Equestrian Processions, visiting dignitaries, Lanimer Procession entrants, Lanimer Court and Bands demonstrated their commitment to Lanimer Week. Lanimer Day was a true spectacle. We are grateful for the support of South Lanarkshire Council, led by Provost Ian McAllan. Local Land Services staff at Caldwellside, and Roads and Transport were outstanding throughout the week, ensuring the safety of all taking part and smooth movement of all processions.
Police Scotland, including the Mounted Branch, served us well, and patiently. The assistance and guidance of all these officers is much appreciated by all of us. We also thank members of St Andrews First Aid who support us in impressive numbers, and had a busy Lanimer Day helping those overcome with the heat of the day.
Lanark Rugby Club provided support, stewarding on the Perambulation route. Celia Orr’s dancers gave us another spectacular display at Lanark Cross with the backdrop of sunny skies on a warm Monday evening. We are grateful to Lanark Floral Art Club members who prepared the beautiful bouquets for the Court Ladies and donated the Lanimer Queen’s headdress. Shopkeepers, residents and court families provided added colour by decorating homes, shops and gardens in good numbers this year.
The Lanimer Committee is grateful to be able to call on local businesses and organisations. Special thanks go to McKellar’s, Jewellers for their donation of the Lanimer Queen’s watch; to Ross of Lanark for access to their yard for procession assemblies. Morrison’s, who provided a much-needed water stop for the Lanimer procession, and made contributions to other events. Tesco gave generous support to the Friday children’s events and B&M donated water for all the Reception participants. Local businesses afforded premises for building Lanimer entries, or display of court dresses, while others contributed through advertising in the Lanimer brochure, and selling brochures. The Lanimer committee thanks you all sincerely.
We are indebted to the landowners within whose properties and policies our March Stones sit; their permission allowing us to follow tradition, unbroken since 1140AD, to check Lanark’s boundaries. We depend on the courtesy of the public, young and old, to proceed in a courteous manner through these properties. 1552 perambulated the long-established route on the Monday evening.
Our Critic this year is Ms Helen McCall, a former Sashing lady. We await with anticipation her views on our Lanimer celebrations. Young Farmers and our official mascots shook buckets to encourage contributions to the Official Collections, raising £2266.25. Thanks go to everyone who contributed, and to the loyal supporters of the Silver Club, Patrons Scheme and the Lanimer Brochure. It all goes to help 2019 Lanimer Funds. The New Lanark Village Group hosted at New Lanark, and presented the Loving Cup to the Lanimer Queen-elect. The Lord Cornets’ Club is always grateful for their support during the official Tuesday evening Rideout. The Air Cadets turned out smartly in the Lanimer Procession, on several official duties. The Tolbooth Trust mounted a Lanimer-themed exhibit which was much appreciated by all. We thank the above-mentioned for their valued contributions, services and generous support provided throughout Lanimer Week.
As we begin to plan for 2019 we wish Lord Cornet Gary Winning and Lanimer Queen Anna Martin a happy and well-deserved year in their roles. To all acknowledged above, to anyone we may have missed, inadvertently, and to everyone else who shared the sunshine-drenched spectacle that was Lanimer Week 2018, we say, ‘Thank You’, once again – and ask only that you put in your diary the week surrounding Thursday 6 June 2019, for another spectacular Lanimer celebration.
The Lanimer publicity team are pleased to share with you a number of online photo albums which have been sent to us by various contributors.
We hope to include many of these within our Lanimer Review 2018 Brochure which will be on sale on the approach to our Illuminated Lanimer Winter Parade in November.
We would like to thank all who have contributed photographs so far, they look fabulous!
Do you have any photos from Lanimer week 2018 you would like to share with us? If so, please drop us an email at and we will gladly share them.
Crowning of Lanimer Queen Anna Martin – Photo Courtesy of John Watson
The Chairman of the Lanimer Committee, Ex Lord Cornet John Dickman has asked us to share his message of thanks;
“What a great Lanimer week this has been! I have to say a huge congratulation to our Lanimer Queen Anna and her court for the excellent way they conducted themselves and carried out their duties. Many thanks to all the Lanimer entrants and to the Lanimer Committee and helpers for all their hard work which resulted in a fabulous week and a spectacular procession.
Thanks also to the Lord Cornets’ Club and in particular, Ex-Lord Cornet Gordon Gray and Karen for organising a superb Lanimer Ball.
Looking forward to Lanimers 2019!”
The Annual Lanimer Lanarkshire Highland Dancing competition took place in Lanark Grammar today.
Picture here are Lanimer Committee Chairman Ex Lord Cornet John Dickman with the Lanarkshire trophy winners, outside with dancers from Celia Orr School of Dancing and with Robyn Macmillian winner of Best Under 16 Dancer for Lanarkshire and Best Clydesdale dancer.
Congratulations to all involved in this annual event.