During Lanimer Week 2023, we were fortunate enough to have a number of photographers capturing the memories of our Lanimer Celebrations. We thank everyone for all their fantastic contributions!
Here are a selection of the galleries which some of our photographers have passed on to us;
Join us on the evening of Saturday the 10th June 2023 at Lanark Agricultural Centre to celebrate the finale of Lanimer Week 2023 in style!
Tickets for the ever popular 2023 Lanimer Ball are NOW ON SALE, with bookings being taken via our new online booking system.
Join us for a fantastic meal served by Gilbert and his team from Country Refreshments, followed by an evening of dancing and fun, being entertained by our returning band for 2023 Wireless.
The Lanimer Ball is always a fantastic way to celebrate a fantastic Lanimer Week with friends and family. Bookings are being taken for tables of 8 via our online booking system:
Tickets are priced at £55 per person and include a premium 3 course meal from our menu shown below. All orders, including payment need to be returned by Wednesday 10th May to secure tickets.
We hope you can join us for what is sure to be a spectacular ending to Lanimer Week 2023!
Should you have an specific queries relating to the 2023 Lanimer Ball, please contact the Lord Cornets’ Club Lanimer Ball team at; Lanimerball@gmail.com
The Lanimer Committee is pleased to offer sales of adverts within the 2023 edition of our ever popular and collectable Lanimer brochure to local businesses and groups.
The Lanimer Brochure is a key source of fund raising revenue for the Lanimer Committee and makes a significant contribution to the running costs of our annual festivities. The 2023 Lanimer Brochure will be on sale from Monday the 22nd of May and has a reach of approximately 10,000 readers within Lanark and the surrounding areas, providing great visibility of your business within the local community
The Lanimer Brochure is a key fundraising activity for our annual celebrations
Adverts are priced at the following competitive rates;
Full Page (colour / internal) @ £300
Half Page (colour / internal) @ £150
Quarter Page (colour / internal) @ £100
Inside front **SOLD**/ rear Cover, **SOLD**
Rear Cover (1 available) @ **SOLD**
The above rates are based on print ready artwork being provided by advertisers.
Adverts previously contained within the last years brochure will be re-used at no additional cost to advertisers. New artwork can be created by the Lanimer Publicity team for and additional charge of £30 per advert.
Adverts are allocated on a first come first served basis. With a limited number of pages available, please ensure you get in touch ASAP to secure a space.
To allow for page setting & development of the 2023 Brochure – ALL ADVERTS MUST BE PAID BY FRIDAY APRIL 28th 2023.
Should you wish to advertise in our 2023 Brochure, please fill out the online form below;
Alternatively, if you have any queries on advertising in the Lanimer Brochure, please contact the brochure and publicity team onlanimerbrochure@gmail.com
The Lanimer Committee are delighted to announce that this years Sashing Lady will be Mrs Molly Cumming. Molly will have the honour of presenting Lord Cornet-Elect Ross Fitzgerald with his sash of office during the shifting of the Standard Ceremony on Marches evening, Monday 5th June 2023.
Sashing Lady 2023, Mrs Molly Cumming
As the Honorary Secretary of the Lanimer Committee, Molly plays a key role in the organisation of our annual events.
With a life long association with Lanimers, having first sang in the Lanimer Reception at just 2 years old, Molly is delighted to be selected sash this years Lord Cornet.
The Lanimer Committee would like to wish Molly a very Happy Lanimers and hope she has a wonderful time.
Sashing Lady 2023 Molly Cumming and Lord Cornet-Elect Ross Fitzgerald
Following a VERY busy day visiting all our local schools, the Lanimer Committee is delighted to announce the full list of selections for the 2023 Lanimer Court as follows;
Lanimer Queen, Chloe Robertson
Chief Maid, Zara Graham
Chief Maid, Alexandra McShane
Lady in Waiting, Lucy Allen
Page, Thomas Clark
Page, Brody Williamson
Kirkfieldbank Primary School
Flower Bearer, Poppy Stone
Poppy Stone, Flower Bearer, Stanmore House School
Lady in Waiting, Lily Chalmers
Lady in Waiting, Morven Gibson
Lady in Waiting, Isla Hamilton
Yeoman, Fraser Waugh
Yeoman, Alexander Wedlock
Crown Bearer, Murray Brennan
Robert Owen Memorial Primary School
Lady in Waiting, Izzy Young
Lady in Waiting, Lia Whiteford
Outrider, Codi Christie
Herald, Callan Dobbie
Herald, Harry Jack
Sceptre Bearer, Connor Lee Muncie
Lanark Primary School
Lady in Waiting, Emily Frood
Lady in Waiting, Kara Tritschler
The Champion, Jason Wilson
1st Lord, Marky Ritchie
2nd Lord, Ally Cullen
Outrider, Kai Fairley
Outrider, Paul Shillan
Outrider, Lewis Tennant
Lanark Grammar School
Lady in Waiting, Lucy Brown
Lady in Waiting, Nieve O’Donnell
Lady in Waiting, Erin Purves
Sword Bearer, Daniel Allan
Proclamation Bearer, Kaiden Graham
St Mary’s Primary School
Lady in Waiting, Juliette Hare
Juliette Hare, New Lanark Primary School
The Lanimer Committee would like to congratulate everyone on their selection.
We are sure you will all have a fantastic time and a very HAPPY LANIMERS!