Join us on the evening of Saturday the 10th June 2023 at Lanark Agricultural Centre to celebrate the finale of Lanimer Week 2023 in style!
Tickets for the ever popular 2023 Lanimer Ball are NOW ON SALE, with bookings being taken via our new online booking system.
Join us for a fantastic meal served by Gilbert and his team from Country Refreshments, followed by an evening of dancing and fun, being entertained by our returning band for 2023 Wireless.
The Lanimer Ball is always a fantastic way to celebrate a fantastic Lanimer Week with friends and family. Bookings are being taken for tables of 8 via our online booking system:
Tickets are priced at £55 per person and include a premium 3 course meal from our menu shown below. All orders, including payment need to be returned by Wednesday 10th May to secure tickets.
We hope you can join us for what is sure to be a spectacular ending to Lanimer Week 2023!
Should you have an specific queries relating to the 2023 Lanimer Ball, please contact the Lord Cornets’ Club Lanimer Ball team at;
Would your child like a chance to take a major roll in our historic celebrations in 2023?
Online application forms for the 2023 Lanimer Court have now been passed on to our local schools and have been issued to parents / guardians of all eligible pupil via emails and school apps. All application forms should be completed by returned by 7pm on Saturday 31st December 2022
This year, the 2023 Lanimer Queen Elect** will be selected from P7 of Kirkfieldbank Primary School.
The full allocation of court characters to schools is as follows;
P7 – 2 girls from each Primary School
S1 – 2 girls
P7 – Boys minimum of 1 from each school
S1-S4 Total of 7 Boys
P7 – Kirkfieldbank Primary ONLY – additional 3 girls – Lanimer Queen Elect** and Chief Maids
P2 – Kirkfieldbank Primary ONLY – 2 Page Boys
If your child is eligible for an application for next years court, but you have not received link to the online application form, please see the following links for details on how to apply;
Please only submit an application if you believe your child is eligible.
Should you have any queries on the above or on any of the documentation issued from the schools, please email;
**Applicants for the Lanimer Queens role MUST live within a boundary from 3 miles of the front door of St Nicholas Parish Church, an approximate illustration of this boundary can be viewed HERE.
ALL addresses for applications for the 2023 Lanimer Queen role will be checked against this boundary.
To ensure that the Lord Cornets’ Club can effectively manage the safety of all riders during the 2022 Lanimer Week Equestrian Events – it is a mandatory requirement that ALL riders are registered with the Club and that they hold adequate riders insurance for the various events.
Riders are required to register for ALL equestrian events which they are looking to participate, including the Marches procession on Monday 6th June.
Registration is completely FREE via the online form below. Please ensure that all fields are completed prior to submission.
The last Lanimer Queen’s Reception was held in 2019
After a 2 year break, the Lanimer Queen’s Reception returns for our 2022 Lanimer Week on Friday the 10th of June in Lanark Memorial Hall at 7pm.
Come along and see out 2022 Lanimer Court perform their Court Dances and enjoy an evening of entertainment from our Lanimer Entrants. Prizes will also be presented to Lanimer Entrants on the night too.
Tickets are on sale now from 9am this morning (Tuesday 19th April) from the Memorial Hall Box office, priced £7 for Adults and £4 for Concessions either in person or over the phone on 01555 673 199.
The Lanimer Committee is pleased to offer sales of adverts within the 2022 edition of our ever popular and collectable Lanimer brochure to local businesses and groups.
The Lanimer Brochure is a key source of fund raising revenue for the Lanimer Committee and makes a significant contribution to the running costs of our annual festivities. The 2022 Lanimer Brochure will be on sale from the 22rd of May and has a reach of approximately 10,000 readers within Lanark and the surrounding areas, providing great visibility of your business within the local community.
The Lanimer Brochure is a key source of fundraising for our annual celebrations
Adverts are priced at the following competitive rates;
Full Page (colour / internal) @ £300
Half Page (colour / internal) @ £150
Quarter Page (colour / internal) @ £100
Inside front / rear Cover, (2 available) @ **SOLD**
Rear Cover (1 available) @ **SOLD**
The above rates are based on print ready artwork being provided by advertisers.
Adverts previously contained within the last years brochure will be re-used at no additional cost to advertisers. New artwork can be created by the Lanimer Publicity team for and additional charge of £30 per advert.
Adverts are allocated on a first come first served basis. With a limited number of pages available, please ensure you get in touch ASAP to secure a space.
To allow for page setting & development of the 2022 Brochure – ALL ADVERTS MUST BE PAID BY APRIL 15th
Should you wish to advertise in our 2022 Brochure, please fill out the online form below;
It’s not quite Christmas yet, but the Lanimer Committee are already looking towards the selection of next years 2022 Lanimer Court in the New Year.
Application forms were issued to our local schools last week and have now been issued to all potential court members parents / guardians by email.
The 2020 Lanimer Court enjoyed a very unique Lanimers in September 2021
2022 will see a much larger Lanimer Court, with 2021 P7’s who missed out last year being given a chance to participate in next years event.
The 2022 Lanimer Queen elect will be selected from Lanark Primary school, restarting the rota of local schools that was paused in 2021. The Lanimer Queen elect must live within a 3 mile boundary from St Nicholas Church front door
Lanimer Queen Elect 2022 will be selected from P7 of Lanark Primary School
Applicants have until the 31st December to return an application to be in with a chance of playing a very important role in next years festivities.
Applications for the 2022 Lanimer Court are now live and can be made via the following link:
The Lanimer Committee has been working hard over the past 8 months to make arrangements for the 2021 Lanimer
Event on Saturday the 4th September. This event will consist of a Lanimer Costume Parade from St Leonard Street to Castlebank park, followed by the Crowning of Lanimer Queen Elect Lacey Holmes in the park.
Starting at 10.30am, our parade will be made up of several of our regular Lanimer Entrants and we are pleased to advise that we shall also be accompanied by Coalburn Silver Band, the Pipes and Drums of Coalburn IOR and by The Beats of Brazil samba band. Unfortunately the parade will not contain any Lanimer Lorries (COVID restrictions made construction of these impossible in recent months), but we are delighted to advise that our Lanimer Costume parade will include over 400 costumed entrants which we are sure will be a spectacular sight.
Keeping with tradition, we are pleased to advise that we will be accompanied by Police Scotland Mounted Branch who will head the parade. Other equestrian involvement in the parade will include our Lanimer Champion, accompanied by the First & Second Lords and Outriders on horseback who will lead our Lanimer Entrants down the High Street, Castlegate and on to Castlebank Park. Behind the Lanimer entrants will be members of the Lord Cornets’ Club who will be followed by the Lanimer Queen’s State procession including our Crowning Lady, Mrs Sharon Hamilton and remaining members of the Lanimer Court.
Lanimer Queen Elect Lacey will round off the parade, accompanied by a guard of honour from the 499 Squadron of the Lanark RAF Air Cadets.
The Crowning Ceremony will take place in Castlebank Park at approximately 12 noon.
Admittance to Castlebank Park will be by ticket only.
Wristband tickets will be issued to all those taking part in the parade with an allocation also provided to entrants families.
The numbers in the park will be limited such that reasonable social distancing can be practiced.
Within Castlebank park, the Crowning Ceremony will take place on staging within a roped off arena.
Allocated seating will be provided in the arena for the parents of the Lanimer Court.
VERY LIMITED NUMBERS of wristbands are available (free) to the public and will be supplied on a first come, first served basis by contacting
Following the Crowning Ceremony, Queen Lacey will issue Lanimer Medals to all those taking part in the parade. We then invite you to join us for “Queen Lacey’s Day in the Park”. Food retailers will be available in the park and we will have live musical entertainment on the arena stage till approximately 4pm. Please note that Castlebank Park will be an alcohol free event as we wish to encourage a family atmosphere in support of Queen Lacey and her Court.
Lanimer Brochure 2021 – on sale 26/08/21
The 2021 Lanimer Brochure will be on sale from the usual outlets later this week (priced at only £4). This year’s brochure is packed full of information on the details of the September Lanimer Event and contains all the official photos of the 2021 Lanimer Principals and Court as well as a number of very interesting and informative articles. We would like to thank the various local businesses who have supported this year’s brochure through purchase of adverts or through selling from their premises, their support is greatly appreciated.
In terms of other Lanimer events associated with our September event, we are delighted to announce that the members of the Lanimer Court will be taking part in the traditional decorated garden competition, with a variety of existing themes we are sure. A detailed map of all the locations of the decorated houses can be found in the Lanimer Brochure. A number of past Lanimer Queens and Crowning Ladies are also decorating their gardens with decorative Crown’s and Balloon arches respectively. Local businesses are being encouraged to decorate shop windows in the theme of “The Emergency Services”.
We would also like to encourage members of the community to join in with the Lanimer spirit and, if they are able to, decorate their houses and gardens with bunting.
Entry to Castlebank Park will be by ticket only
Our final Lanimer Event will take place on the 5th of September with the return of the Lanimer Lowland Games at Castlebank Park between 10.30am and 12.30pm where we there will be a number of fun sporting activities for primary and secondary school children, including a socially distant medal ceremony for the winners.
Chairman of the Lanimer Committee, ex Lord Cornet Kenny Lean said;
“The Lanimer Committee have worked especially hard to deliver a safe and secure event that will see the return of the Crowning ceremony to our Royal Burgh. We hope you can support us by coming along to cheer the parade in the Street or if you have access to tickets by supporting our event in Castlebank Park.
We hope this will be a very unique and memorable way to mark Lanimers 2021 after such a difficult period for everybody. We look forward to Lanimer Week 2022 where we hope to see some further resumption of normality and the return of more of our traditional events. In the meantime can I wish everybody, especially our Lanimer Queen Elect, her court and Crowning Lady a very Happy Lanimers”
The September Lanimer Event is being supported by Event Scotland through Scotland’s Event’s Recovery Fund.
The Lanimer Committee are currently finalising our arrangements for our 2021 September Lanimer Event which will take place on Saturday 4th September 2021. The Committee has once again prepared our popular annual Lanimer Brochure which will be on sale in advance of the September event.
The Lanimer Committee recognise that over the last 18 months the COVID-19 pandemic has been a significant challenge for all businesses and have therefore decided to offer advertising (for this year only) at significantly reduced rates.
The cost of full colour adverts are as follows;
Full Page: £200 (previously £300)
Half Page: £100 (previously £150)
Quarter Page: £50 (previously £95)
We also are offing the following prices for prime advertising pages;
Inside front and rear covers (full page): £275 (previously £400)
Rear Cover (full page): £400 (previously £500)
The brochure is a key fundraiser for our annual festivities, with all advertising revenue going towards the running of this year’s event and future Lanimer Weeks. We hope that by offering these reduced prices for 2021, we can help our valued advertisers promote their business after the difficult past 18 months./
If you would like to purchase advertising space in this year’s Lanimer Brochure, please fill in the form below or email: by 6pm on the 17th Augustto secure an advert.
(we apologise for the short notice, this is due to the ever changing nature of COVID restrictions and how they impact on what we can plan ahead for).
The Lanimer Committee would once again like to thank all local businesses for their generous support of previous Lanimer Brochures, we hope you can join us again this year as we celebrate the Crowning of our 2021 Lanimer Queen Lacey.