Lanimer Brochure 2019 Advertising

Following the success of the 2018 Lanimer Brochure (the first Lanimer Brochure to be prepared entirely in house by the Lanimer Publicity Sub-Committee), the Lanimer Committee is pleased to offer sales of adverts within the 2019 Lanimer brochure to local businesses and groups.

The Lanimer Brochure is a key source of fund raising revenue for the Lanimer Committee and makes a significant contribution to the running costs of our annual festivities. The 2019 Lanimer Brochure will be on sale from the 18th of May and has a reach of approximately 10,000 readers within Lanark and the surrounding areas – providing great visibility of your business within the local community.

Adverts are priced at the following competitive rates;

  • Full Page (colour / internal) @ £300
  • Half Page (colour / internal) @ £150
  • Quarter Page (colour / internal) @ £95
  • Inside Rear Cover @ £400

The above rates are based on print ready artwork being provided by advertisers. 

Adverts previously contained within the last years brochure will be re-used at no additional cost to advertisers. New artwork can be created by the Lanimer Publicity team for and additional charge of £30 per advert.

To allow for page setting & development of the 2019 Brochure – ALL ADVERTS MUST BE PAID BY MARCH 29th

Should you wish to advertise in our 2019 Brochure, please fill out the online form below;


Lanimer Brochure Advert (Please select)

I acknowledge that full payment of adverts by 29th March 2019 is required to ensure inclusion in the Brochure

Crowning Lady 2019 Selected

The Lanimer Committee are delighted to announce that following a meeting of the selection committee that this years Crowning Lady will be Mrs Fiona Cross.

Fiona moved to Lanark in 1986 when she married  Graham. She worked as an Occupational Therapist at Monteith House, Lanark social work department, before moving to work at Law Hospital in 1992. She transferred to Wishaw General in 2001 and has been Head of Occupational Therapy there since 2008.

Fiona became involved in Lanimers, when she was working with Senna Hamilton and her son Iain (aged 2) participated in Senega’s lorry. After that Fiona (along with Graham, Iain and Eilidh) joined Senga and Jennifer Johnstone and their families with their yearly entries. Fiona met Gordon and Susan Jess and the Cross family became part of the G team as well.

Fiona returned to has been involved with  2nd Lanark Scout Group, leading one of the Beavers Sections for approximately 7 years.

Fiona has also been a great charity fund raiser over the years.

Fiona joined the Lanimer Committee in January 2004 when she joined the Silver Club Committee. She has held every position in the Silver from Convener to ‘mopper-upper’ and is still involved as Vice Convener. Fiona joined the Procession Committee to support Gordon Jess and was Vice Convener and Secretary.

She is still with the Procession Committee and as secretary is responsible for the admin associated  with each Procession entry.

Fiona is thrilled to be chosen to crown Lanimer Queen elect Olivia Bell on the 6th of June.

We wish Fiona,  Graham, Iain and  Elidh a happy year ahead and a very Happy Lanimers!

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Lanimer Court 2019 Selections

The Lanimer Committee is pleased to announce the full line up of the 2019 Lanimer Court as follows;

St Mary’s Primary School

Lanimer Queen Elect, Olivia Bell
Chief Maids, Aoife Hall
Chief Maid, Keira Wilson
Lady in Waiting, Rachel Matthew
Lady in Waiting, Katie Semple
Page, Shay Graham
Page, Finn McQuoney
Crown Bearer, Calum Hall
Proclamation Bearer, Mario Cucco

Robert Owen Memorial Primary School

Sword Bearer, Lewis Simpson
Lady in Waiting, Rebecca MacMillan
Lady in Waiting, Alishia Forgie

New Lanark Primary School

Yeoman, Ryan Gardiner
Yeoman, Harry Miller
Lady in Waiting, Aimee Seeley
Lady in Waiting, Skye Fordyce

Lanark Grammar School

Lady in Waiting, Carys Dickie
Lady in Waiting, Daisy May Stewart Brown
Champion, Jay Parker
1st Lord, Austyn Craig
2nd Lord, MacKenzie Curran
Outrider, Travis Horn
Outrider, Thomas Ratcliffe
Outrider, Aaron Millar
Outrider, Cameron Hunter

Lanark Primary School

Lady in Waiting, Eilidh Wallace
Lady in Waiting, Erin Trainor
Sceptre Bearer, Calum Jamieson
Herald, Ewan Dearden
Herald, Mark Young

Kirkfieldbank Primary School

Lady in Waiting, Emily Gordon
Lady in Waiting, Tia Gray

Stanmore House School

Flower Bearer, Beatrice Clark

A HUGE congratulations to all involved, we hope you all have a fantastic time and a very Happy Lanimers!

The Lanimer Committee and Lanimer Court Sub Committee would like to thank all of our local schools for their support and assistance in today’s selection process and to thank all the young people of our town for their help, support and enthusiasm today too!

Lanimer Queen Elect 2019 Selected

The Lanimer Committee are delighted to announce that the 2019 Lanimer Queen Elect will be Olivia Bell of St Mary’s Primary School.

Olivia has be on many of St Mary’s Primary School Lanimer entries through the years. She has a brother Aaron, a sister Kim and dog called Daisy.

Olivia enjoys dancing and gymnastics with Cherry Dance.

Congratulations Olivia, we hope you have a fantastic year and a very Happy Lanimers!


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Lanimer Queen elect 2019 – Olivia Bell of St Mary’s Primary School

Lord Cornet Elect 2019 Selected

The Lanark Lanimer Committee and The Lord Cornets’ Club are delighted to announce that following a meeting of the selection panel the Lord Cornet Elect for 2019 will be Ian Douglas

Ian is well know around Lanark and is a keen horseman, having taken part in numerous common rides throughout his life. He is a keen supporter of Lanimers and has ridden in many Lanimer Day processions and ride outs.

Ian was a key force in the reinstatement of the Edinburgh Riding of the Marches and was The Edinburgh Captain in 2009.

Ian is a member of the Lanark Lanimer Committee and is currently the Vice Convener for the Marches – an event this year which he will have a very different involvement with!

In 2015, Ian formed the Lanark Riding Association – a group with the main aim of growing participation in equestrian events within the town.

Ian grew up in Lanark and attended Lanark Grammar School.

Ian is married to Michelle and they have a daughter, Erin. Ian is truly honoured to be elected as our Standard Bearer for 2019.

The Lanark Lanimer Committee and The Lord Cornets’ Club would like to wish Ian and his family all the very best for their busy year ahead.

Congratulations Ian & Happy Lanimers 2019!

(Photographs courtesy of John Prior)

Lanimer Court 2019 – Applications for Selection


Would your child like a chance to take a major roll in our historic celebrations?

Application forms for the 2019 Lanimer Court have now been issued to our local schools and should be returned by Thursday 20th December 2018.

This year, the 2019 Lanimer Queen** will be selected from P7 of St Mary’s Primary School. 

The full allocation of court characters to schools is as follows;

St Mary’s Primary

Lanimer Queen** (P7)

2 x Chief Maids (P7)

2 x Ladies in Waiting (P7)

1 x Crown Bearer (P7)

1 x Proclamation Bearer (P7)

2 x Page Boys (P2)


Lanark Grammar:

1 x Champion

2 x Ladies in Waiting (S1)

1 x Fist Lord

1 x Second Lord

4 x Outriders


Kirkfieldbank Primary

2 x Ladies in Waiting (P7)

P7 Boys:  **Roles to be confirmed**

New Lanark Primary

2 x Ladies in Waiting (P7)

P7 Boys:  **Roles to be confirmed**


Lanark Primary

2 x Ladies in Waiting (P7)

P7 Boys:  **Roles to be confirmed**


Robert Owen Memorial Primary

2 x Ladies in Waiting (P7)

P7 Boys:  **Roles to be confirmed**


For application forms and further details on general requirements – please see the following links;

1 – Lanimer Court – General Conditions for Consent (2019)

2 – Lanimer Queen Consent form

3 – Ladies of the Lanimer Court Consent form

4 – Gentlemen of the Lanimer Court Consent form

Should you have any queries on the above or on any of the documentation issued from the schools, please email;


**Applicants for the Lanimer Queens role MUST live within a boundary from 3 miles of the front door of St Nicholas Parish Church, an approximate illustration of this boundary can be viewed HERE.

ALL addresses for applications for the 2019 Lanimer Queen role will be checked against this boundary.

Lanimer Review 2018

In advance of next Friday’s Illuminated Lanimer Winter Parade, the Lanimer Committee are delighted to announce that the 2018 Edition of the ‘Lanimer Review’ Brochure is now on sale at various outlets around the town.

Launched last year, the Review has been created to give information on the Winter Parade, whilst taking a look back on Lanimer events throughout the past year.

It also provides a collectible photographic record of all the prize winners from the various Lanimer events over the last year – with pages full of photos of Lanimer Lorries from this year’s procession.

The Lanimer Committee would like to thank all those who have contributed photos to this publication and to local businesses who have supported us through advertising.

The Review is on sale, priced just £3 at the following outlets; Feenans, WH Smiths, Morrisons, Brooks, Lesley Strachan Flowers and The Tollbooth.

The review brochure will also be on sale during tomorrows Christmas Market from by our good friends the Lanark Panto Club, who will be promoting this year’s show Aladdin.

The Lanimer Committee thanks all our sellers for their ongoing support!

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Illuminated Lanimer Winter Parade 2018

Come along and join us for our annual Illuminated Lanimer Winter Parade on the 23rd November 2018.

Now in its fourth year, the Lanimer Committee are again proud to support the ‘Winterfest’ programme of events by organising the parade as part of the entertainment for the ‘Late Night Lanark’ Christmas shopping evening.

Starting from Bannantyne Street at 6.45pm, this years parade promises to be bigger and better than ever!

Heading up our Parade will be our Lanimer Queen Anna Martin, accompanied by her Chief Maids. They will be accompanied by an amazing display from ‘Frodo the Fire Eater’ – who will provide a bit of warmth on a November evening!

We are delighted that a good number of our Lanimer entrants will once again parade down Lanark High Street, this time illuminated as you have never seen them before!

A number of our entries have also carefully preserved their Lanimer Lorries – which will take to the streets adorned with lights.

Santa will make an appearance too, before jetting back to the north pole to finish his preparations for Christmas.

Please come along see our spectacular parade and get some early Christmas shopping from our wonderful local shops too!

Please keep a look out on this page for further information on this event.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Lanimers 2018 – Official Lanimer Committee Video

The Lanimer Committee are pleased to announce that this years video recording of our celebrations will not only be available on DVD – but available FREE to view on our Youtube Channel.

A double DVD containing footage of both Lanimer Day and Marches evening is available online, priced at £10, from the following link: Lanimer DVD 2018

For further information on the DVDs, please send an email to

In the meantime, please enjoy our videos via the Youtube links below.


Lanark Trail Festival 2018

The 2018 Lanark Trail Festival took place at a wet Lanark Racecourse on Sunday 12th August.

The Lanark Lanimer Committee were once again delighted to support the event organised by South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture.

121 runners participated in the 10K Race, run over a course route featuring Lanark Loch, Lanark Moor Country Park and Lanark Racecourse.

Darran Muir was presented with the Glasgow Lanimer Cup after winning the 10K Male Race in a time of 37:06.

Rhona Moffat was presented with the Edinburgh Lanimer Cup after winning the 10K Female Race in a time of 43:39.

Chairman John Dickman was in attendance to present the prizes for the 10K event.


1. Darran Muir (37:06)
2. Brendan Forrester (37:27)
3. Robbie Barr (38:32)


1. Rhona Mowat (43:39)
2. Chloe Bose-Ward (45:06)
3. Sophie Mullins (45:31)

On the same day, 73 runners participated in the 5K Race, with Robbie Barr and Jessica Robson being presented with the Strachan Salvers for winning the Male and Female Races with times of 18:12 and 21:24 respectively.


1. Robbie Barr (18:12)
2. James Gillan (18:58)
3. Jonathan Kennedy (19:06)


1. Jessica Robson (21:24)
2. Jessie Gilchrist (23:17)
3. Rosina Graham (24:50)

A new event this year was a 1K Race, with 35 runners participating, with Jonathan Hunter winning the Male Race and Millie Gairn the Female Race.


1. Jonathan Hunter (04:25)
2. James Mowat (04:25)
3. John Frood (04:36)


1. Millie Gairn (04:40)
2. Joscelyn Kennedy (04:53)
3. Roxanne Hardie (05:01)

Duathlon events were also held, featuring cycling and running elements.

TriStars Start
1. Isla Cameron (13:42)

TriStars 1
1. Finlay Barr (11:07)

TriStars 2
1. Fraser Anderson (15:40)

TriStars 3
1. Sandy Barr (14:02)

Full results are available at

Results for the 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m and 800m Lanimer Junior Cup Races will be published soon.