Lanark Trail Festival 2018

Lanark Trail Festival 2018 … Bookings NOW OPEN!

Join us for our 4th year of the Lanark Trail Event … a great local event for runners of all abilities and ages!

Events include:
10k trail run (winners presented with the historic Lanimer Cups)
5k trail run (winners presented with the Strachan Salvers)
1k fun run (a new event for the kids – includes medals & t-shirts)
Junior Lanimer Cup races – FREE – 50m to 800m
Junior Off-road duathlon (age 8-14 yrs)

All event details can be found on the booking website:

(The Free Lanimer Cup races are booked at Lanark Lifestyles 01555 666800)

2018 Sashing Lady Announced

The Lanimer Committee is delighted to announce that 2018 Sashing Lady will be Mrs Margo Murdoch

Margo Came to live in Lanark in 1977 with her husband Robin and their 2 children David and Aileen.  Margo worked as a District nurse in Carluke then laterally in Lanark Heath Center treatment room.
During this time she coached at Lanark Amateur Swimming Club and served as Honorary Secretary for the Lanark YMCA for many years. She has also helped with shows at the Celia Orr School of Dancing (where Aileen now teaches).
As a member of St Nicholas Church, she taught in the Sunday School and was ordained as an Elder in 2003. She also sings in the church choir. She traveled to Romania with 3 aid convoys led by Rev John Thomson which she describes as a “memorable experience”
In 2003, after gaining a Post Graduate qualification in Person Centered Counselling, she worked for Clydesdale Counselling – Human development in Lanark for several years. 
6 years ago, she helped initiate the charity ‘Hear for You’ which offers free counselling on suicide prevention, and sadly, supporting people bereaved by suicide within the Clydesdale Community.
One of Margo’s greatest joys is being ‘Granny’ to Catherine, Morven, Ethan and Gregor, and living in the same town as her family. Margo is fairly familiar to Lord Cornet’s sashes – being a proud mum to 2014 Lord Cornet David.
The Lanimer Committee would like to wish Margo and her family all the best an hope they have a very Happy and memorable Lanimers 2018.

Lanimer Brochure 2018

The Lanimer Brochure and Publicity team are compiling the 2018 edition of the Lanimer Brochure. This year’s edition promises to be bigger and better than ever!

An ever popular section of our annual brochure is where we present readers contributions of past Lanimer festivities – where we often receive a varied and colourful selection of photographic memories from our Facebook friends.

Do you have a photo of some special Lanimer Memories which you would like to share with us and see published in this year’s Lanimer Brochure?

If so – please email it to or send a message to our Facebook page.

We are looking for photos of ANYTHING to do with Lanimers, they can be of ANY age too; ALL contributions will be considered.

(Photo shown below from the Lanimers of 1916 – with the Nation in the midst of the Great war, a sombre yet patriotic mood prevailed in Lanark.)

Crowning Lady 2018 Selected

The Lanark Lanimer Committee is delighted to announce that this year’s Crowning Lady will be Lea Barrie.

Lea has the honour of crowning Lanimer Queen Elect Anna Martin on the 7th of June.

Lea has been been a leader of Lanark Rainbows for many years and is a leading member of Freda and Friends Lanimer entries.

We would like to wish Lea all the very best for her year ahead.

Lanimer Court 2018 Selected

The Lanark Lanimer Committee is pleased to announce the full list of Court characters for the 2018 Lanimer Queens Court as follows:

Lanimer Queen

  • Anna Martin (Lanark Grammar School)

  • Chief Maids

  • Annabelle Fox (Lanark Grammar School)
  • Niamh Lithgow (Lanark Grammar School)

  • Ladies in Waiting

  • Emma Barr (Robert Owen Memorial Primary School)
  • Amelia Barton (New Lanark Primary School)
  • Isla Cullen (Robert Owen Memorial Primary School)
  • Jasmine Farrell (New Lanark Primary School)
  • Rebecca Finlay (St. Mary’s Primary School)
  • Jessie Gilchrist (Lanark Grammar School)
  • Cara McGinnies (Lanark Primary School)
  • Grace McGregor (Kirkfieldbank Primary School)
  • Orla Quinlan (Lanark Grammar School)
  • Anna Rogers (Lanark Primary School)
  • Ellis Smith (Kirkfieldbank Primary School)
  • Lucy Stewart (St. Mary’s Primary School)

  • Pages

  • Caspar Calvin (New Lanark Primary School)
  • Freddie Lyon (New Lanark Primary School)

  • Champion

  • Calvin Kennedy (Lanark Grammar School)

  • First Lord

  • Ruaridh Whitehead (Lanark Grammar School)

  • Second Lord

  • Oliver Donaldson (Lanark Grammar School)

  • Outriders

  • Mackenzie Curran (Lanark Grammar School)
  • Calum Edment (Lanark Grammar School)
  • Carson Logan (Lanark Grammar School)
  • Jay Parker (Lanark Grammar School)

  • Crown Bearer

  • Travis Horn (New Lanark Primary School)

  • Sword Bearer

  • Nathan Kerr (Robert Owen Memorial Primary School)

  • Sceptre Bearer

  • Reuben Harvey (Robert Owen Memorial Primary School)

  • Proclamation Bearer

  • Cameron Hunter (New Lanark Primary School)

  • Yeomen

  • Ryan Clelland (Lanark Primary School)
  • Hyland Gracie (Lanark Primary School)

  • Heralds

  • Joshua Epton (Kirkfieldbank Primary School)
  • Rhys Smith (Kirkfieldbank Primary School)

  • Flower Presenter

  • Jessica McMann (Stanmore House School)

  • We hope they all have a fantastic time and a very Happy and memorable Lanimers 2018.

    Lanimer Queen’s Champion 2018 Selected

    The Lanark Lanimer Committee is delighted to announce that the Queen’s Champion for 2018 will be Calvin Kennedy of Lanark Grammar School.

    This is Calvin’s 3rd appearance in the Lanimer Court, having previously been the Proclamation Bearer in 2015 and the the 2nd Lord in 2016.

    The Lanimer Committee would like to wish Calvin and his family all the best and a very Happy Lanimers.

    Lanimer Queen Elect 2018 Selected

    The Lanark Lanimer Committee is delighted to announce that the Lanimer Queen Elect for 2018 will be Anna Martin of Lanark Grammar School.

    The Lanimer Committee would like to wish Anna and her family all the best for her coming year and a very Happy Lanimers.

    More details of the 2018 Lanimer Court Selections will appear throughout today – watch this space!

    Lord Cornet Elect 2018 Selected

    The Lord Cornets’ Club and the Lanark Lanimer Committee are delighted to announce that the Lord Cornet Elect for 2018 will be Gary Winning.

    Gary is the Manager of the ‘Discover Lanark’ project, which aims to promote our Royal Burgh through working with local businesses and groups within the town.

    Gary was also formerly the Manager of the Clydesdale Inn and is well known around our Royal Burgh.

    Gary is married to Blythe and is truly honoured to be elected as our Standard Bearer for 2018.

    The Lord Cornets’ Club and the Lanimer Committee would like to wish Gary and Blythe all the very best for their busy year ahead.

    Congratulations & Happy Lanimers 2018!

    Happy New Year 2018

    The Chairman and Members of the Lanark Lanimer Committee would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year.

    Lanimer Court Selection 2018


    Would your child like a chance to take a major roll in our historic celebrations?

    Application forms for the 2018 Lanimer Court have now been issued to our local schools and should be returned by the 18th December 2017.

    This year, the 2018 Lanimer Queen will be selected from S1 of Lanark Grammar School. Applicants for the Lanimer Queens role MUST live within 3 miles of the front door of St Nicholas Church.

    The full allocation of court characters to schools is as follows;

    Lanark Grammar:

    Lanimer Queen (S1)

    2 x Chief Maids (S1)

    2 x Ladies in Waiting (S1)

    1 x Champion

    1 x Fist Lord

    1 x Second Lord

    4 x Outriders


    Kirkfieldbank Primary

    2 x Ladies in Waiting (P7)

    1 x Crown Bearer (P7)

    1 x Proclamation Bearer (P7)


    New Lanark Primary

    2 x Ladies in Waiting (P7)

    2 x Heralds (P7)

    2 x Page Boys (P2)


    St Mary’s Primary

    2 x Ladies in Waiting (P7)

    2 x Yeomen (P7)


    Lanark Primary

    2 x Ladies in Waiting (P7)

    1 x Sword Bearer


    Robert Owen Memorial Primary

    2 x Ladies in Waiting (P7)

    1 x Sceptre Bearer


    For application forms and further details on requirements – please see the following links;

    1 – Lanimer Court – General Conditions for Consent (2018)

    2 – Lanimer Queen Consent Form 2018

    3 – Lanimer Court Consent Form (Girl) 2018

    4 – Lanimer Court Consent Form (Boy) 2018 


    Should you have any queries on the above or on any of the documentation issued from the schools, please email;