Events for Thursday 8th June

With Lanimer Day no moved to FRIDAY 9th June – we have had a lot of messages asking what will be happening next Thursday… well here’s the programme of events for the day;

Starting off – we are pleased to have Funbox join us once again in Greyfriars Church at 11am with their new show 2017 “Highland Fling”. Tickets are available from Fringes Hairdressers or can be ordered online at;

Next we have our ‘Lanimer Children’s Treats’ for all the young people involved in the Lanimer Procession. Activities will include Bouncy Castle, Bouncy Slide & Merry Go Round. Admission is free and all rides will be free of charge from 12.30pm until 2.30pm.

No tickets are being provided this year for this event, so we request that children wear their Lanimer medals to take part.

Finally, from 2.15pm we have our annual Lanimer Lowland Games, organised this year by Healthy Valleys. Come along and join in some fun, sporty activities! This event is open to all.

All good for getting everybody in the mood for Lanimer Day the following day!

Decorated Shop Window Competition

Calling all Lanark shops!!

Have you entered our decorated shop window competition??

This years theme, as chosen by Lord Cornet Elect Iain Hughes is “Rugby” – with his Colours of Royal Blue, Gold / Yellow.

Windows should be set up by the beginning of Lanimer Week, with judging taking place prior to Lanimer Day.

The winner will be announced at the Crowning Ceremony on Lanimer Day – FRIDAY 9th June and there will be prizes for First, Second and Third place shops.

Should you be interested in taking part, please contact to ensure your entry will be judged through the week.

Good Luck!!

2017 Lanimer Brochure Now On Sale

The Lanimer Committee is pleased to announce that the 2017 Lanimer Brochure is now on sale at various outlets around the town!

The Brochure includes all of the Official Photographs of this years Court and Principals, loads of nostalgic photos, some very interesting Lanimer articles and a comprehensive programme of the events of Lanimer Week.

Still priced at only £4, it is a great souvenir to mark our historic celebrations.

Every single penny of the cover prices goes straight back into the funding of next years events, so it is a great way to support the Lanimers.

Brochures are available in:

  • Bensons Hair
  • Feenans
  • Fringes
  • Helen R. Beauty Room
  • Jacks the Ironmonger
  • Kirkfieldbank Village Shop
  • RS McColls
  • Morrisons
  • The Post Office
  • Reas
  • Ross of Lanark
  • WH Smith
  • Sweet Occasions
  • Tariqs
  • D. Weir Newsagents

  • Lanimer Rosettes

    Lanimer Rosettes are now available from the usual places in the town and still only £3 – Fringes, RS McColl, Brooks and Helen R Beauty Room.

    Lanimer Week Bands

    The Lanimer Committee is delighted to announce that despite the last minute change of date for Lanimer Day 2017 arising from the General Election – this year’s procession will be supported by a full complement of Pipe, Brass and Silver Bands.

    Our Bands Committee have worked tirelessly to ensure that this important, entertaining part of our Celebrations is included in our rescheduled events.

    This year we will be entertained by Coalburn Silver Band, Dumfries Town Silver Band, Newmains and District Brass Band, North Lanarkshire Schools Pipe Band and Lanark & District Pipe Band.

    Our Evening Spectacular at The Cross will include an extended display by current World Pipe Band Champions North Lanarkshire Schools Pipe Band.

    The Lanimer Committee would like to thank all bands involved for rescheduling to accommodate the change of date. We look forward to hearing them all on Lanimer Day – FRIDAY 9th June 2017!

    *** Photo Courtesy of John Prior ***

    Lanimer Bill Poster 2017

    Just over three weeks until Lanimer Day 2017!!!

    We hope that you can come along and join us for our week of activities, kicking off with the Kirkin’ of Lord Cornet Elect Iain Hughes on Sunday 4th June.

    Here is a copy of this year’s traditional Lanimer Bill Poster detailing the week’s events.

    Further details will soon be available in the 2017 Lanimer Brochure, on sale next week.

    Lanimer Balloon Race

    Two year old Honor Farrell is this year’s winner of the Great Lanimer Balloon Race and £50 prize.

    Her balloon was released on 15th April and the tag returned from near Eindhoven, over 600 miles from Lanark, a week later.

    Honor is going to use the money on her holidays.

    Lanimer Equestrian Registration

    As part of the equestrian events for Lanimer Week 2017, we are requesting that all riders pre-register with The Lord Cornets’ Club.

    Registration is FREE, but mandatory, so that we can ensure the continued safe running of our equestrian activities throughout Lanimer Week.

    Those looking to take part in the Monday Procession or the Official Lanimer Rideout on Tuesday 6th June should return a completed form by Sunday 28th May.

    Rider Registration Form 2017 (PDF)

    Rider Registration Form 2017 (MS Word)

    Rideout Map – Tuesday 6th June 2017 (PDF)

    Lanimer Week 2017

    Just one week after the announcement of the shock General Election – the Lanimer Committee are pleased to confirm the events as below.

    We appreciate your patience as we have worked behind the scenes to make the necessary arrangements.

    45 days and counting – lets make 2017 a Happy Lanimers for all to remember!


    Change of Dates for Lanark Lanimer Day Events for 2017

    Due a General Election coinciding with the planned date for Lanimer Day, the Lanark Lanimer Committee met and voted to move all the events planned for 8 June 2017.

    ALL PLANNED LANIMER DAY EVENTS including the Lanimer Procession, Crowning Ceremony, Afternoon Procession and Rideout, Castlebank Family Afternoon, The Declaration at the Cross and Evening Tattoo WILL NOW BE HELD ON FRIDAY 9 June 2017.

    The Lanimer Queen’s Reception will remain on the evening of Friday the 9th June.

    Events for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Saturday of Lanimer Week will take place on their usual day/evening in the timetable.

    Children’s Treats and the Lowland Games will move to Thursday afternoon, and although not an official Lanimer event, we are delighted that ‘Funbox’ have also managed to rearrange their family concert for the Thursday morning before the treats.

    The Lanimer Brochure will carry all details – and will be on sale towards the end of May.

    Our website and our Facebook feed will keep you up to date with any emerging news.