Lanimer Brochure 2020 Advertising

The Lanimer Committee is pleased to offer sales of adverts within the 2020 edition of our ever popular and collectable Lanimer brochure to local businesses and groups.

The Lanimer Brochure is a key source of fund raising revenue for the Lanimer Committee and makes a significant contribution to the running costs of our annual festivities. The 2020 Lanimer Brochure will be on sale from the 23rd of May and has a reach of approximately 10,000 readers within Lanark and the surrounding areas – providing great visibility of your business within the local community.

2019 & 2018 Editions of the Lanimer Brochure
have proven popular with Local Advertisers

Adverts are priced at the following competitive rates;

  • Full Page (colour / internal) @ £300
  • Half Page (colour / internal) @ £150
  • Quarter Page (colour / internal) @ £100
  • Inside Rear Cover @ £400

The above rates are based on print ready artwork being provided by advertisers. 

Adverts previously contained within the last years brochure will be re-used at no additional cost to advertisers. New artwork can be created by the Lanimer Publicity team for and additional charge of £30 per advert.

To allow for page setting & development of the 2020 Brochure – ALL ADVERTS MUST BE PAID BY MARCH 30th

Should you wish to advertise in our 2020 Brochure, please fill out the online form below;


Lanimer Brochure 2020 Advert (Please select)

I acknowledge that full payment of adverts by Monday 30th March 2020 is required to ensure inclusion in the Brochure

Lanimer Brochure 2019 Now on Sale

The Lanimer Committee is delighted to announce that the 2019 Lanimer Brochure is now on sale.

Crammed full of articles, photos and all the details you need to know for Lanimer Week from the Lanimer Procession order to the map of Decorated houses, this is a MUST have publication for Lanimer Week.

Following the success of last years format change, we have included even MORE photos including; all the official portraits of the Lanimer Principals, Court and many, many photos of past Lanimers

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text
Lanimer Brochure 2019 – On Sale Now!

.Still priced at ONLY £3 – the 72 Page 55th Edition of the Brochure is on sale at the following outlets around the town;

– D. W. Newsagents
– Feenans
– Gibby’s
– Helen R. Beauty
– Jacks The Ironmongers
– Jane & Senga Hair Design
– Ladyacre (Ross’) Garage
– Morrison’s
– Nisa Today
– Post Office
– Riverside Store Kirkfieldbank
– RS McColls
– Sweet Occasions 
– Tariqs (Londis)
– W.H. Smith

The brochure can also be purchased online at the following link;…/Lanark-Lanimer-Brochu…/192919569577

The Lanimer Committee would like to thank all the above shops for their continued support selling our annual Brochure.

Further thanks go to all the local shops, businesses and organisations who purchased advertising space this years Brochure whose contribution goes a very long way to helping our event take place!

Lanimer Court 2019 – Applications for Selection


Would your child like a chance to take a major roll in our historic celebrations?

Application forms for the 2019 Lanimer Court have now been issued to our local schools and should be returned by Thursday 20th December 2018.

This year, the 2019 Lanimer Queen** will be selected from P7 of St Mary’s Primary School. 

The full allocation of court characters to schools is as follows;

St Mary’s Primary

Lanimer Queen** (P7)

2 x Chief Maids (P7)

2 x Ladies in Waiting (P7)

1 x Crown Bearer (P7)

1 x Proclamation Bearer (P7)

2 x Page Boys (P2)


Lanark Grammar:

1 x Champion

2 x Ladies in Waiting (S1)

1 x Fist Lord

1 x Second Lord

4 x Outriders


Kirkfieldbank Primary

2 x Ladies in Waiting (P7)

P7 Boys:  **Roles to be confirmed**

New Lanark Primary

2 x Ladies in Waiting (P7)

P7 Boys:  **Roles to be confirmed**


Lanark Primary

2 x Ladies in Waiting (P7)

P7 Boys:  **Roles to be confirmed**


Robert Owen Memorial Primary

2 x Ladies in Waiting (P7)

P7 Boys:  **Roles to be confirmed**


For application forms and further details on general requirements – please see the following links;

1 – Lanimer Court – General Conditions for Consent (2019)

2 – Lanimer Queen Consent form

3 – Ladies of the Lanimer Court Consent form

4 – Gentlemen of the Lanimer Court Consent form

Should you have any queries on the above or on any of the documentation issued from the schools, please email;


**Applicants for the Lanimer Queens role MUST live within a boundary from 3 miles of the front door of St Nicholas Parish Church, an approximate illustration of this boundary can be viewed HERE.

ALL addresses for applications for the 2019 Lanimer Queen role will be checked against this boundary.

Lanimer Queen’s Reception 2018

The Lanimer Committee are pleased to advise that a recording of this years Lanimer Queens Reception, from the 8th June 2018 is now available to view on Youtube – via the link below.

We hope you enjoy this video of what was a very special night, with some excellent performances from participants in our 2018 Lanimer Procession.