Your annual Lanimer Celebrations are organised and run by the Lanark Lanimer Committee, a small & hard-working team of volunteers that successfully deliver one of Scotland’s biggest festivals every year.
As registered charity, the Committee’s objective is to “promote the advancement of the arts, heritage, culture and community development by organising Lanark Lanimer Week”.
The Lanark Lanimer Committee is open to applications from ANYONE interested in helping in the delivery of your Lanimer Celebrations.
If you would like to be involved, full details on how to join can be found at the following link:
Membership Application
The committee is formed of the following 9 No. sub committees which all focus on different parts of your Lanimer Celebrations:
- Bands & Tattoo
- Castlebank
- Court
- Fundraising
- Procession
- Marches
- Publicity
- Reception
- Silver Club
If you are interested in any of the above sub-committees and would like any further information, please message the page, we are happy to help with any questions you may have.
We are a community event, run by your community.
We rely on the support of new members to help grow and sustain our activities. If you think that you could help us in ANY way, please get in touch, we would love to hear from you!
The Committee meets on a monthly basis between January and June, with additional meetings taking place in May, October (our AGM) and November to assist in the planning of the Illuminated Lanimer Winter Parade.