John Dickman
Right-Hand Man

Brian R. Ross
Left-Hand Man

Kenneth Douglas
Our Lord Cornet this year, John Dickman, came to Lanark from Motherwell when he was seventeen and worked at Ravenscraig Steelworks. At twenty five he joined Strathclyde Police, serving in Glasgow and Lanarkshire, ending his career in Motherwell, in 2006. He remains on the police civilian staff in Glasgow. John is a member of Lanark Guildry.
John was a Boys’ Brigade Officer in Lanark, but is probably best known as a musician. He is a member of Lanark and District Pipe Band and Lanark Amateur Musical Society (LAMS). He is an active member of the Lanimer Committee and its Bands Committee, and is involved with Music in Lanark. In recent years two friends and he have formed Trilogy, a popular group presenting traditional and modern Scottish folk music at local events and, increasingly, further afield.
An Elder in Greyfriars Church, John is also a member of the church choir and is involved with the Kilninie Club and its Lanimer entries. He and his wife, May, are quietly enthusiastic about the busy time ahead. Their son, Gavin, will be John’s companion during Lanimer Week, while their daughter, Alison, will accompany her mother. Our Lord Cornet this year will have no difficulty in recognising his Sashing Lady and the Crowning Lady. John and May both worked with Mary Margaret Meldrum before they came to Lanark, when they were all members of St Aidan’s Operatic Society. Our Crowning Lady is a fellow Elder in his church. As he leads our Lanimer celebrations this year John will have ‘kent faces’ close to him. Beyond, the townsfolk of Lanark will watch with pride as he bears the Standard of the Royal and Ancient Burgh during his term of office. ‘Safe oot; safe in; John’.