David J. Hughes
Right-Hand Man

Gordon J. McGregor
Left-Hand Man

J. Lindsay Craig
Lord Cornet DAVID HUGHES (41) of Bannatyne Street. Lanark born and bred, he is married to Martina and has four daughters, Catherine, Aileen, Edele and Niamh. For the first time since the Lanimer procession started in 1893, a father and daughter are Lord Cornet and Lanimer Queen in the same year. He is very much looking forward to escorting Aileen to the Lanimer Ball.
First took part in Lanimers as a page in the Lanimer Court of 1967, and in such pageants as NUTCRACKER and STAR TREK. He is involved in helping with St. Mary’s School Lanimer entries and has driven their vehicle for the past two years.
He is employed in the family business and also enjoys working on his uncle’s farm in Ireland in the summer. He used to play Rugby but is now an enthusiastic spectator. David is a committee member of the Lanark Business Group. We wish David and his family a very happy Lanimer week.